06 Aralık 2024 Cuma
Tarsus University organized the “Challenges and Success Stories in Paralympic Sports” conference to raise public awareness and draw attention to the lives of individuals with special needs within the scope of World Disability Day. The conference, which addressed the problems experienced by Paralympic athletes and the work done to overcome these problems, shared comprehensive information about Paralympic sports by experts.
The conference organized by Tarsus University Disabled Students Counseling and Coordination Unit, was moderated by the unit coordinator Dr. Lecturer Nurel Ertürk, who stated in his opening speech that studies are being carried out in Turkey to facilitate the lives of disabled people and Paralympic athletes, and shared information about the historical development process of Paralympic sports by giving examples of studies carried out in this direction. Fatma Kara, Mersin Amputee Football Team Coach, who achieved significant success in Paralympic sports and was among the invited speakers of the conference, provided information about her studies and the organizations held for amputee athletes in her speech.
In the conference, which saw intense audience participation, Mersin Amputee Football Team Captain Salih Selvi, who was among the speakers, shared important anecdotes about his sports life, while Lecturer Dr. Volkan Deniz from the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation made a presentation on sports injuries in disabled athletes. In the last part of the conference, Res. Asst. Dr. Abdullah Kılcı from the Department of Sports Sciences at Çukurova University took the floor and provided detailed information about amputee football in his presentation. The conference ended after questions from the audience were answered and certificates of appreciation were presented to the invited speakers.